Indigenous, Native, …something else?
Indigenous. Native American. First Nations. Indian.
…something else?
As the 2020 US presidential election mercifully wound to a close last week, CNN put together a helpful little table to illustrate the racial breakdown of this year’s electorate. One group was conspicuously missing:
It was the infographic that launched a thousand memes.
What do you want to be called?
In honor of Native American Heritage month, we asked you what you like to be called. You answered with pride, good humor, and perfect selfie faces. We’re honored to share with you how these four people identify themselves—CNN, take notes.
S.A. Lawrence-Welch | @lawrencewelchnw
What do you want to be called?
I want to be called by my nations, nêhiýaw and métis. That is my identity - that is who I am.
Why do you want to be called Nêhiýaw and Métis?
I do not believe we should be lumped into a singular category. Each nation, each tribe has a rich history and present existence that shows our individualities. We are all unique, beautiful and resilient.
What makes you proud to be called by your nations?
I am honoured to carry the legacy of my ancestors and relatives. I am proud to carry the language and culture to share with future generations.
Donovan Goldtooth | @au2th
What do you want to be called?
I am Diné first. Haha. But I’d rather be called Indigenous.
Why do you want to be called Diné/Indigenous?
Myself, my ancestors, are all indigenous to these lands and can trace my lineage 8 generations back. Myself; my Family; all have their umbilical cords buried in these lands we call Dinétah.
Adrienne Begaye | @adrienne.begaye
What do you want to be called?
I would like to be called Native American.
Why do you want to be called Native American?
I like to be called that because I feel it brings proper recognition to my ancestors.
What makes you proud to be called Native American?
It make me proud because it’s me, it’s who I am, I am Native American.
Nalita Murray | @nalitamurray
What do you want to be called?
I feel Indigenous describes Indigenous peoples throughout the world, First Nations describes Indigenous people of Canada. And in US Native American or American Indian has describes Indigenous to the US. however it wasn’t until 1940 all Natives were even considered American citizens. And the word American comes from an Italian. So I prefer “Native;” otherwise my specific tribal affiliations Piikûni and Cree. ❤️
What makes you proud to be called Native/Piikûni and Cree?
I am proud to be a Native because natives have survived so many things I cannot list. We have strength and resiliency. Whenever I am with my fellow Natives despite the situation we are cracking up laughing and the world is good because we have each other. I am proud to be Piikûni because we make the best fry bread. 📠